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Confirming an Order
Doug Heckmann avatar
Written by Doug Heckmann
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Once you have gone through the negotiation process with your customer, they have the ability to put in an Order directly from a Quote you sent .

To approve an Order, your customer will need to click "Create Order" on their end, and once they do that, the pending Order will show up in the Orders tab.

Here's how it's done:

  • Go to left menu button > Accounts > Customer > Select Category > Click Orders tab

  • On the far left, you will see a search field and a list of "Pending" and "Confirmed" Orders. 

  • In the "Pending" column, click on one of the pending orders that have been sent my your customer.

  • Since your Buyer has sent in the Order, you will see a  "Buyer Confirmed" checkbox that will be grey.

  • On the right you will notice all of the products in the order, and at the top, to the right of the PO#, you will see a grayed-out "Confirm Order" button.

  • The button will stay gray until all of the order requirements have been addressed. In the list of products you will see an "Additional Fields" column where it will indicate "Add. Info Required" in red. When you click on the red text, a pop-up will show you what additional fields need to be filled, updated, or address any duplication. Note - You can also make modifications to the Order and it will notify your customer about any changes to the Order that need to be made before approval. You can continue negotiations through the Product Details of each item before the approval is made.

  • After you have corrected any issues, you will see the "Confirm Order" button is now highlighted Grey. Click on the button, and then you will see notifications indicating that the order has been confirmed and that your customer and the rest of your team will be notified.

  • You will then see a grey checkbox that indicates "Supplier Confirmed".

  • Now that you have approved the Order, it will show up in the "Confirmed" column on the far right.

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