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Sales Order from Catalog (Seller Generated PO)
Doug Heckmann avatar
Written by Doug Heckmann
Updated over a month ago

You now have the ability, as a seller, to send out sales orders to your customers. Whether or not your customer has an account on Surefront, they will still be able to view the information you have sent them. In this article, we will demonstrate how to send out out a Sales Order directly from the catalog.

Let's get started by heading to your main catalog page:

  • Select a few items to send to your customer on your catalog

  • Your buttons menu will now be highlighted. Select "Sell" and under the dropdown menu you will see an option to click "Sales Order".

  • A pop-up window will appear to fill out certain information that is required to create this sales order.

  • Customer, Freight Terms and Copies are required for continuing the creation of the order. For Customer, if your customer is not yet on Surefront, select the default folder that is applicable to your dropdown menu. For Freight Terms, if you deal in a business where most of your items are stocked in your warehouse, using the "Import" option will be most suitable for you. Fill out the remainder of the information needed and select "Create".

  • A green notification will confirm that you have successfully created this order. Select the link in the notification to be redirected to the order itself.

  • Here in the orders page, you can fill out any additional information such as QTY, cost & price. At the top, you can select "Edit" and fill out delivery dates and input special instructions if needed.

  • Once complete, Select "Send" at the top of the page. If your screen size is reduced, you can find "Send" under the button at the top.

  • If your customer is connected to your account, then you are able to select which email you would like to send it to. If they are not connected, you have the ability to type in an email address of your choosing.

  • Write a quick email message and select "Send". Another green notification will appear that you have sent out your sales order with success.

For more information, watch the video above and learn step by step on how to send out a sales order.

To learn how to send an order to your supplier, select the article below:

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